Quote of the Day

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not get a new stove installed this week. Even if I did, said stove would not have been sitting in my garage for, oh, about a year, before getting installed. I am definitely not excited about having TWO ovens to use to prepare for Thanksgiving dinner.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I am definitely not hosting the big event at my house. Even if I were, I most certainly would not be stressing out about making sure everything is perfect. I love to entertain, so little things like roasting a turkey and hand scrubbing every inch of my house does not worry me in the least.

And finally, I definitely did not spend my entire weekend hand stitching ornate trim pieces on Sissy's Madrigal costume, which certainly does not have to be completed tonight for dress rehearsals tomorrow. I would never bite off more than I can chew in this regard.

What have you not been doing this week?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gratuitous Cuteness!

It's Friday, and in my mind, the weekend has already started, so I thought I would share a glimpse of the cuteness I'm surrounded by on a daily basis. Enjoy!

Peanut's first attempt had self-feeding spaghetti.

Diva, fashion model in training.

Why does everything look funny?

There, I feel better now. Have a great Friday everyone!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

It's another cold, dreary day here in the Land of Lincoln. It's been raining since Sunday, and it looks like that trend will continue through the next few days. Ugh. All of this rain is really starting to affect my mood, and the moods of those around me, including my kids.

So today, after work, I plan on turning that around a bit, by having a little fun around the house. Diva LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to dance, so I've planned a little surprise: a dance marathon! We're going to dress up, crank up the music, and dance our blues away! We might even have (gasp) ice cream sundaes for dinner. I like to live on the edge like that. I think this is just what we need to shake off the cold, wet weather, spend some quality time with each other, and just HAVE FUN.

I'd love to hear about the things you do when the weather gets you in a funk.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week was pretty crazy. With the kids having to be in different places at different times, and the hubby out of town on business, there were plenty of "Not Me!" moments.

For instance, I most certainly did not order take out pretty much every night, just so I wouldn't have to cook. I always cook healthy meals for my family, and would never order Chinese on one night, and pizza the next. Nope, not me!

Also, I did not leave a coffee mug (full of course) on the side table in the living room for Peanut to find. She did not let her curiosity get the best of her and try to "drink" the contents of said mug. She then did not proceed to dump the entire contents of said mug all over the carpet. I never take my eyes off her for one second, so something like this could never happen in my house. (In all seriousness, the coffee wasn't hot. I drown mine in french vanilla creamer, and it had been sitting out a while, so no injuries occurred.)

What have you not been doing lately?

Monday, November 9, 2009

To God Be the Glory

Please check out MckMama's blog. It is WONDERFUL news for our sweet Stellan! I hear that they've hit a HOME RUN, but don't take my word for it. Go pay her a visit and read the good news for yourself!


Update: Stellan has been taken down for his emergency ablation surgery. Please pray the surgery goes well and that Stellan pulls through.

Original Post:
It is Monday, and my heart is heavy with worry. Our sweet baby Stellan is in desperate need of our prayers. His blood pressure is VERY low, his heart stopped and had to be paddled back, and he is very weak. As frightened as I am for him, it doesn't hold a candle to how frightened his family must be.

Each and every day, I find myself more and more thankful to God that my children are healthy. My heart breaks for this family and the pain and heartache they are faced with. I feel helpless. All I can do is pray for them and ask, no, BEG, for you to do the same. This situation is every parent's worst nightmare, and I would hope that if I were ever in this situation, someone would be praying for me and my child.

Mondays are usually Not Me! Mondays, but today, I'm setting that aside as I fall to my knees in prayer. Please, join me, raising your voices up to Heaven with me.

Lord, I know this situation with Stellan is not surprising to You. I know You already know the outcome. Thank You for holding this family close, wrapping Your arms around them. Please Lord, provide strength for Stellan's tired body and heart. Please be with his doctors, nurses, and other care givers, providing them with the wisdom necessary to sustain this little boy. Please Lord, hold his family close, showering them with love and peace during this most trying hour. I desperately pray that Stellan makes it through this to come home to his family. Please Lord, if that's Your plan, please make it so. In Jesus' name, AMEN.