This is my first time with this, but it should be fun! Head on over to
My Little Life to check it out and join in the fun!
1. What is the one thing that you reach for the most in a day (excluding phones, computer or children's butts for spankings)?My coffee. I LOVE coffee. I'm sure I drink
WAY too much of it, but my coffee mug is never too far out of reach.
2. What is the farthest you have been from home?Las Vegas. This trip was my first time on a plane, EVER, and it was right after the 9/11 attacks. I didn't get too shook up about the "extra" security, because I never really experienced what it was like before, so I had nothing to compare it to.
3. What kind of cell phone do you have? Love it or hate it?I have a Motorolla RAZR, first edition. I've had this phone for a while and have absolutely loved it, but with the family getting super busy, I'm in desperate need of a smart phone so I can keep track of schedules and emails. REALLY want an iPhone, but since I HATE AT&T service, I'm sticking with Verizon. They have a new phone, the Samsung Omnia, which is kind of like an iPhone, so I might try that one.
4. Coke or Pepsi?Absolutely without question, Pepsi. If a restaurant serves Coke products, I'll go with either Sprite or Root Beer.
5. If you could go back and change anything about your wedding day, what would it be and why?We had a number of things "go wrong" on our wedding day, including the groom being unable to locate the marriage certificate, the groom being given the wrong vest to wear under his jacket, the groom's dad being the only one wearing tails, and my favorite: my husbands tuxedo pants buckle breaking, causing them to slowly inch down the entire ceremony. These things were actually all things that made the day so funny that I wouldn't change them.
The one thing I WOULD change is the limo service we used. The limo service booked another wedding within 1 hour of mine, 45 miles away, so he drove like a mad man to take us from the church to the reception (45 miles apart), and we beat each and every guest and the photographer to the reception hall. We did end up hanging out for about an hour at a comedy club/bar across the street.
Have a great Friday everyone!