Quote of the Day
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happy Anniversary Honey!
I woke up this morning with a thoughtful message on my phone from him. I also came across a beautiful card that he had Sissy hide in my purse. He's left little breadcrumbs all around me to let me know that he's thinking of me today, and that he loves me very much.
As I reflect today on the past 9 years, I feel blessed to find more happy memories than sad ones, more good days than bad. Has it been easy? No. Has it always been full of fun and laughter? Definitely not. Has it been worth it? Absolutely, positively YES! Looking back, I find all sorts of breadcrumbs he's left for me, reminding me how much he loves and supports me. A kind word when I'm down; a silent hug when I feel defeated; a kiss goodbye in the morning before we head to work. All small reminders that I'm never far from his mind and always in his heart.
I truly believe that God sent Lugnut to me, as a breadcrumb of sorts. God knew what I needed then, and he knows what I need now. My husband is just one of a million breadcrumbs God has left for me, reminding me just how much he loves me: my children, a beautiful sunset, a rainbow after a storm. I cherish these breadcrumbs dearly, and do my best to not miss a single one.
To my dear husband: Happy Anniversary Honey! I love you will all my heart!
To the rest of you: What are your breadcrumbs?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Blog Hop - Favorite Kid Photo

For those of you who don't know Stellan, I encourage you to visit MckMama's blog here. For those of you who do, I ask you to continue to pray for this family. My heart aches for what MckMama is going through right now, and while I can't be there for her in the physical sense, I can continue to pray that Stellan will LIVE. Please join me.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Please pray
Stellan is not well. I am asking everyone I know, and lots of people I don't, to pray for sweet baby Stellan as he is enduring the fight of, and for, his life.
For those of you who don't follow MckMama, please pay a visit to her blog, read Stellan's story, and PRAY, PRAY PRAY. He is such a precious little boy, who has endured so much in his short life. He hit a wall last night, and is continuing to struggle to maintain body temperature and blood pressure. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. They NEED you. Let's lift this family up in prayer, asking God to provide his doctors with wisdom, his family with hope, and Stellan with strength and a healed heart.
Friday, July 24, 2009
I've mentioned Stellan's mommy, MckMama, in my blog before but for those of you who don't know her, please take a few moments to head over to her blog here. Please drop her a line, say a prayer for her and her family, and offer hope and encouragement to her. She is an incredible woman, with more strength than I can ever imaging having myself. Through this whole situation with Stellan, she continues to offer hope and encouragement, natural eating tips, photography lessons, prizes, God's wisdom, and so many other things to her readers.
Dear Lord, please watch over Stellan and his family today and every day. Provide wisdom for his doctors, strength for his heart, and hope, encouragement, and love to him, MckMama, Prince Charming, Big Mac, MckNugget, and Small Fry during this trying time. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Blog Hop on MckLinky - Three Things You Didn't Know About Me
This week's Blog Hop theme is THREE THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ME. Since I'm new to the blogging world, there are tons of things you all don't know about me, but here are three that stand out:
I can say the alphabet backwards, REALLY FAST. It is something my mother taught me when I was in kindergarten, and it has stuck with me. Friends and family are often quite amazed at this "hidden" talent. :o)
I crochet, A LOT. I find it very relaxing as well as productive. I especially enjoy making baby items.
I'm sort of a Facebook addict. Not so much with the updating of my own, but of reading and commenting on what everyone else is doing. Oh, and I LOVE some of the games available. Farmtown is my fav.
Have a great Blog Hop Tuesday everyone!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Not Me! Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not get so frustrated with the state of Sissy's room that I took it upon myself to clean it. Even if I did, I would not get so into the project as to rearrange furniture. And I would never get ahead of myself and also start removing the wallpaper.
I did not let Diva sleep in her swim suit to avoid the inevitable battle that would ensue dare I suggest we take it off. She most certainly does not have that kind of power over me at bedtime.
Oh, and I would never let Peanut sit at the table for almost an hour eating nothing but carrots. I did offer her other items, but she did not proceed to throw those on the floor and insist on carrots, and carrots only.
What have you NOT been doing this week? Head over to MckMama's blog here and share yours!
Have a great week everybody!