Quote of the Day

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I am here to say that I most certainly did not forget my nephew's 15th birthday this weekend. And even if I did (which of course I did not) I am not still contemplating what to get him to deliver on Father's Day.

I also did not take the kids to Chevy's and forget to put shoes on Peanut. Nope, Not Me! While at Chevy's I almost certainly did not allow Peanut to eat that dough they give you with the crayons in it. She did not scream bloody murder when I took it away from her.

I most certainly did not let Diva stay up until 10:30 last night, because I was not afraid of starting WWIII by trying to get her to bed without Daddy.

Random things: I did not let Diva have ice cream on her waffle for breakfast; I did not let Sissy sleep until 1pm on Saturday; I did not go to the grocery story yesterday in my quasi-pajamas. Nope, not me!

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today has been an interesting an emotional day. I can't (actually, I WON'T) share any details here, as there is an effort to contain the situation. You can find more here: www.mycharmingkids.net. And while you're there, get to know MckMama. She's AWESOME!

So instead of some gloriously insightful (yeah right) post, I thought I would just fill you in on a few of the happenings here.

Sissy is currently in Washington, D.C. for a class trip. I dropped her off at the airport this morning at 4:30 a.m. (in case you missed that, I said A.M.) I was back at the house by 5:00, only to find that Peanut was having a conversation with herself in her bedroom (or maybe she was conversing with Diva, not realizing she was still asleep). To avoid waking anyone else, Peanut and I headed out for a walk around the "block" (which by the way is about .9 miles in length.) She had a BLAST! Bunnies and birds galore captured her attention the entire time.

Peanut had a well baby visit today. All is great! She's growing and developing nicely, and her doctor is pleased. The only negative of the visit was the two vaccinations she got. OUCH! She handled it well, and was smiling in no time.

That is about the extent of the happenings here. Things are busy as usual, but I'm not sure if I know how to do things any other way.

I'm hoping to have pictures up this week, and then you all can meet my beautiful family!

God Bless